Manipura in the Media

 We have been so fortunate to feature
in so many local and international publications over the past years.

Manipura Malas in Yoga International Magazine 2017

Video Features

Watch Amsterdam-based Julija Hartig
First Violin in the Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, and a valued Manipura Customer, speaks about Violins and Mala Craftsmanship and the special connection she has with both.  

Learn how we make Mala necklaces by hand and heart using nothing but gemstones and love.



Get inspired by the spirit of Soulful living. 
A simple intention for living life in a way that is meaningful, sustainable and full of love. 



Online Publications


 Manipura on
Amanda Rijf covering us in her blog 
Manipura on Holistik logo
In depth article by the Holistik team: Mala ketting: dit is hoe 108 magische kralen je leven veranderen
Manipura on bless Magazine online logo

Malu Swartjes blog post Reviewing Manipura Malas

Manipura on May Cate logo May Cate's blog reviewing Manipura
The Girl Next Door Logo Ellen de Wit in her blog reviewing Manipura logo

Anita Willemars using Manipura

40 en voor her herst moeder

Rory Blokzijl article in her blog Hoe Kon Je Meer in Contact met Jezelf? 

budgetproof logo

Marloes's Blog post 

De Betere Werelds

Fair of Fake: Ik ga op reis en neem mee

Helen Turner Logo

Lifestyle writer Helen Turner in her Article:  Handmade With Love: Magic Mala's From Manipura


The beautiful Lifestyle blogger Eemy @eemsxo reviewing Manipura


Print Publications we've been featured in

Grazia Magazine Logo Manipura
Manipura on Telegraaf - Logo
Manipura on Happy in Shape - logo
Manipura on VRIJ - logo
Manipura on Villa d'Arte - LOGO
Manipura on JFK
Manipura on Yoga Magazine - Logo
Manipura on Libelle Magazine - logo
Manipura on Cosmo girl logo
Manipura on Gooisch logo Manipura on Talkies logo